Why am I still watching Zombie movies?
We’re always
surrounded by difficult ideas
vivid and pulsing, the
insides of things,
barely concealed by
the outsides of things.
It’s nice to know
there’s some kind of order:
Follow the rules. Lock
the front door.
Keep things tidy. Keep
yourself nice.
Have a plan, stay
close to home.
That’s what separates
us from the monsters.
It’s not what your
hair looks like,
it’s the effort you
put in each morning,
it’s the time you
spent on your hands and knees
scrubbing the blood
out of the carpet.
It’s not about surviving, it’s about love.
I mean sure, sometimes
it seems better
on the other side, the
elegance of pure appetite,
the momentum of a
single relentless idea.
Sometimes you gaze out
the car window,
the engine running,
outside the seven-eleven,
and wonder what it’s
all for, the instinct for living,
startled by your own
pinkness, the flush of mortality,
the sweetness on the palate of the tongue,
the prickling of the
skin – heat, cold.
You wonder what it’s
like to be dead.
You wonder what it’s
like to be alive.
Kristin asked the question.