Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Month of Poetry

The official blog, created and co-ordinated by Kat Apel can be found here. You have to have a password to read the daily poetry, but there's other stuff to look at there.

Anna Ryan Punch, an accomplished poet and fantastic being, is recording her poems at her blog: four hundred years ago, a baby went to sleep.

Amra Pajalic, a really interesting YA author and all round supergal, is recording hers at her blog

Camer0n is recording his at his blog: not unimportant. I particularly enjoyed his How to roast a chicken in a Sestina:
Enlist a poet to extol the extinguished life of your noble chicken.
Remember how it knew how to chicken and none of your guests know how.
Serve its memory best on the day with gravy and steaming hot.

I have decided that Sestinas are a kind of fabulous delirium. You have to be potty to keep repeating yourself like that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Thanks for the shout out, Penni. Seeing you updating a poem every day is keeping me in the game. Determined to get to the whole end of the month.
