Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Month of Poetry: The End

In a blog post last July I said I wished I had more time to think in poems.

Well, the month of poetry is over, and I wrote 13 poems, which is 12 more than last year. I had various interruptions, sleeplessness, heat, family outings and a 2 week holiday in the middle (as well as the silencing sadness of the Queensland floods) but I achieved what I wanted from the project which was more blog posts and just "thinking in poems". I have read more poetry, bought more poetry and thought about poetry a lot this last month so all in all I would call it a great success, especially since the poems document a time in my life that is so very fleeting. I am hoping to keep it up this year with the slightly more manageable task of a poem a week.

For the record, this one's my favourite.


  1. Me too. Love, love, love it.

  2. Yay! Nice work! I enjoyed reading them.

  3. Yes, I like that one too. Makes want to hurry this baby up.

  4. i've really loved all of your poems, and the more regular posting. I am in ZOMG TOtAL AWE (as the young ones say) that you manage it all. Respect.
