Friday, October 20, 2006

Secret Life 2: more of the frederique's photos.

She calls herself that: the frederique. Is that normal? She used to call herself the freak-a-reek and I'm afraid it's stuck. I'm so going to get in trouble when she gets to high school.

Fred's photo hobby is like a kind of everyone wins lotto: she takes the camera out and brings it back full to bursting with photos. I love her perspectives. I love the sense that I am looking at the world through her eyes. It's one of the most enchanting thing about having children, seeing the world anew, remembering how fascinating the familiar once was.


  1. It seems that all kids at some stage need to Re-Label themselves, maybe it's an early rebellion thing, Jacen renamed himself Jacen Tornado Lighting Kyte, he refuses point blank to answer to anything but this When people ask his name we get some *strange* looks!

  2. PS love Fred's photos, you should setup her own Flickr site, she could become world famous for her photos!

  3. love Fred's pics, love your words Penni delicious xxx

  4. Being a complete and utter tightarse, I can't help but think how wonderful it is that in the age of the digi-cam, a small child can experiment with photography to her heart's content without busting her parents budget with photo processing! And it IS very interesting to see how Fred sees things! Life from 3-foot high!!!

  5. Plus at her age (or maybe it's just fred, she's a very of the moment kinda gal), I'm not sure if she would make the connection if you didn't process the photos straight away (and we've got film from last year waiting to be processed).
