Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The blogiverse is a minefield. I can no longer go anywhere, I have to shelter in the relative quiet of eglantine's cake. Why? Because everyone's blogging about HP7 and I still haven't read it. Boohoo. I am suddenly remembering what it was like when everyone else had tube skirts and bubblegum jeans.

Come on Kate. Read faster.

If anyone tells me what happens before I get to read it I will gut them with a toothbrush.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I'm up to page 481 and I plan to finish it this afternoon, so you won't have long to wait! Heh heh.

    It's weird reading the first book to Alice and seeing things that are going to be important later on. Gee JK planned it beautifully. Surely she must have been sick of it by the end though, with that level of detail to keep track of. I am full of admiration.


  2. That makes two of us, I felt like the only person not blogging about Happy Potter.

    HP was something I never got into, I have way too many books to add all those to my collection. I think I will read them many years from now when the hype is over and people have moved onto something new.

    Like The series of Undine by Penni Russon.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Welcome back Penni. Wanted to say that yesterday and apologize for making you do math but my dial-up connection had issues with your comemnts page. They're friends again now though, so all is good. I promise not to discuss any HP stuff until you've read the book. But when will you read it?

  4. Ah well, here's a cute website to keep you occupied until you've read HP (was BRILLIANT).

    -The 30-Second Bunnies Theatre Library
    ... in which a troupe of bunnies parodies a collection of movies by re-enacting them in 30 seconds, more or less.

  5. I have HP in my hot little hands.
